Aluminium Alliance North Rhine-Westphalia: Working together for a strong and competitive aluminum industry


The alliance partners Speira, TRIMET Aluminium SE, Aluminium Deutschland, IG Metall, IG BCE and the NRW Ministry of Economics sign joint declaration. With the declaration signed today, the alliance partners have underscored their commitment to North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) as an aluminum location. The material is an important building block for industrial value creation in NRW, Germany and Europe. Aluminum is a key material for achieving the ambitious climate targets. And the aluminum industry is an important economic factor for NRW. In NRW alone, the aluminum industry employs 35,000 people, while Germany as a whole employs over 62,000.

The joint declaration is the starting signal for intensive cooperation between the state government, employee representatives and industry. The close exchange between the partners serves the goal of successfully driving forward the transformation to a sustainable industry, expanding the circular economy and the associated supply of raw materials, and strengthening the closed aluminum value chain at the site. 

The rapid expansion of renewable energies at competitive costs, access to research funding, and also free and fair competition on the markets are the focus of joint deliberations. In addition, the current "magnesium crisis" has shown that a consistent raw materials policy is essential to safeguard industrial value creation in Germany and Europe. 

Economics and Innovation Minister Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart: "North Rhine-Westphalia is the most important aluminum location in Germany, and the largest turnover is generated here nationwide. The industry is the starting point for important value chains. That's why the state government is supporting companies and employees in the transformation process toward a sustainable, climate-neutral industry, so that aluminum production in North Rhine-Westphalia remains competitive in the future and jobs are secured."

TRIMET CEO Philipp Schlüter emphasized, "A functioning energy transition and more climate protection require jointly developed and realistic approaches to solutions. As a regional "know-how cluster" in NRW, we want to unleash the full potential of the aluminum industry and thus continue to operate responsibly in the future."

Speira Managing Director Volker Backs emphasized, "Aluminum is indispensable for climate protection and modern society and will be needed much more in the future. This demand must also be met from Germany and thus North Rhine-Westphalia, in order to maintain and expand local value creation, avoid dependencies and climate damage, because local aluminum is significantly more ecological than imports. And by increasing the use of renewable energies and expanding recycling management, today's emissions can be further reduced, in the direction of a CO2-free society."

Aluminium Deutschland President and PhG of OTTO FUCHS KG, Dr. Hinrich Mählmann, emphasized, "We welcome the dialogue and the commitment of the state government to accompany and politically support the aluminum industry in its transformation. The declaration is a clear commitment to NRW as an aluminum location and sends a strong industrial policy signal. The German aluminum industry is committed to sustainability and climate protection and wants to be an enabler for the European Green Deal. We are already technology leaders in the areas of recycling and the circular economy. We will continue to improve our processes and products in order to reduce our CO2 footprint. And we will support our customers in reducing the emissions of their products. But even an efficient and innovative aluminum industry can only survive in international competition in a cooperative alliance with political and social stakeholders. Clever political support is central to the competitiveness of the location. Together, we must prevent industry from migrating to regions with lower standards and less ambitious climate protection programs."

IG Metall Executive Board member Manuel Bloemers said, "The transformation to a climate-neutral industry must be pursued resolutely by politicians and companies. The best way to do this is with the employees. As IG Metall, we stand by the climate targets. However, the transformation must take place under plannable framework conditions and employees need prospects. That's why we hope that this was just the starting signal for a broader alliance across national borders."

IG BCE representative Manuel Rendla added: "IG BCE stands by the climate protection targets and will actively support the transformation towards climate-neutral industry. But it is clear that this can only succeed if the necessary investments in transformation and the expansion of renewable energies are made. To this end, employees and companies need a reliable political framework to ensure that Germany remains an industrial location with industrial jobs. With the alliance founded today, we want to further expand location security in NRW and nationwide."

Contact person:
Tim Stappen
Aluminium Deutschland e. V. (AD)
T + 49 211 4796-276