TRIMET Aluminium SE continues its tradition this year, extending generous Christmas donations to local charitable organizations supporting people in need. The total sum of 21,000 euros contributes to local projects dedicated to helping those facing hardship.
The location in Hamburg donated to the "Hörer Helfen Kindern e.V. by Radio Hamburg" initiative. TRIMET participates in the charity run around the Alster. The Radio Hamburg Hörer helfen Kindern donation marathon runs from December 18 to Christmas Eve. TRIMET supports this initiative, providing various forms of assistance and support to children in the city.
The location in Essen donated to "Kinderhilfe Essen e.V." Kinderhilfe Essen e.V. supports the promotion of individuals with spastic paralysis and other physical disabilities. TRIMET backs the valuable work of this organization.
Colleagues in Gelsenkirchen contributed to the "Förderverein Lessing-Realschule." TRIMET is committed to supporting local education and donates to the Lessing-Realschule Gelsenkirchen's supporting association.
The Harzgerode location was pleased to support the "Caritas Frauenschutzhaus Ballenstedt." The Caritas Frauenschutzhaus Ballenstedt receives support from TRIMET to provide a safe haven and assistance to women in need.
The location in Voerde donated to the "Förderverein Kinderpalliativmedizin Löwenzahn & Pusteblume" in Wesel. TRIMET supports the Förderverein Kinderpalliativmedizin Löwenzahn & Pusteblume in Wesel, aiding children and their families during challenging times.
Colleagues in France presented their donation to the "Long-Term Care Unit of the Hospital Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne." TRIMET France SAS presented a check to the Centre Hospitalier Vallée de la Maurienne – CHVM to support the long-term care unit.
Loïc Maenner, Managing Director of TRIMET France SAS, emphasized the significance of this donation for the renovation of the garden of the CHVM long-term care station. This will allow for activities tailored to the residents and enhance their quality of life.
The TRIMET teams take pride in contributing to support those in need and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year.