TRIMET expects responsible business conduct from its suppliers

Supplier Code of Conduct


TRIMET Aluminium SE follows the guiding principle of sustainability as defined by the United Nations in the 17 global goals for sustainable development.

TRIMET is committed to respecting internationally recognized human rights and sustainable business practices.

The principles are laid down in the TRIMET Code on Human Rights. The mid-sized family-owned company endeavors to enforce the fundamental rights laid down in the code within the scope of its influence, even beyond its production sites. 

TRIMET also expects its suppliers to comply with human rights and to act responsibly with regard to their business practices. This includes, in particular, the core labor standards defined by the International Labor Organization, the principles of the UN Global Compact and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. 

TRIMET suppliers shall submit a binding declaration confirming their compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct. They may also refer to their own principles of conduct, provided these are comparable. 

The Supplier Code of Conduct covers the following areas:

  • Compliance with laws 
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Working conditions and human rights 
  • Environment and energy 
  • Business ethics 
  • Sustainable procurement

The complete TRIMET Supplier Code of Conduct is available for download here.

Further information can be obtained from the TRIMET Compliance Contact Point:


Contact us

Do you have questions about compliance or would you like more information?

TRIMET Aluminium SE

Aluminiumallee 1
D-45356 Essen

Phone: +49 201 3660